Picture: Dhakatimes


“Shamuk-Khol” or Asian Openbill birds have made their homes at mango trees. They will give birth to their future generation and get out of the area for another long year.

But the owner of the trees do not acknowledge their needs. His mangoes have been destroyed last year. This year, it should not happen. So he is going to destroy the nests. But on the protests of birdlovers of the area, he has given the birds 15 days time to leave the trees or else!

The situation has arisen at Razshahi’s Puthia Upazilla’s Banesshor village. The owner’s name is Mr. Ataur Rahman. He has spent 7 lakh Taka to lease the garden for two years. As a result, he is the temporary owner of the garden.

At this moment, while government people from the forest ministry are not answering the phone. To meet ecological balance as well as keeping the owner’s profit, authority should come forward – says local birdlovers.