You mustn’t feel guilty about working and playing harder now. you’ve developed a habit of being the one who has to carry the load for everyone else. ridding yourself of this guilt may be the biggest problem that you have. It’s about time you started giving yourself some credit. It’s not if circumstances that concern you now. It’s more your internal self-talk. By working past any negative feelings you tap into a greater power within yourself. Find something you enjoy passionately to counteract self-doubts.


You could feel socially awkward today. Remember, you’re not obliged to mix with people even though convention or social requirements expect you to. On the other hand, you could miss profession opportunities as a result of not attending meetings or functions. For this reason, today is somewhat of a balancing act between your social and financial objectives. Opportunities to spread your wings and fly appear are appearing. Implement your ideas even if they seem crazy to others.


You’ll be judged by how you’ve acted in the past. Don’t carry forward those attitudes that haven’t worked for you. If you allow petty mindedness to get in the road of friendships that would be detrimental. Your fighting spirit is now challenged by circumstance. Just when you felt you had all of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in place, an unexpected obstruction is about to put things on hold. You need to mothball a project and find something to keep you temporarily occupied until the right moment arises again.


You’re totally focused on your goals now and finances now. This reflects your level of growth over recent months. You may not have to work too hard to realise 1 of your goals shortly. You’ve done something right and if that’s the case, why do it differently? There may be fears associated with spending large amounts of money. If this relates to investments and they’re good ones, the returns will be worth it. Create a situation in which you can get work done uninterrupted and at length.


You’re totally focused on your goals now and finances now. This reflects your level of growth over recent months. You may not have to work too hard to realise 1 of your goals shortly. You’ve done something right and if that’s the case, why do it differently? There may be fears associated with spending large amounts of money. If this relates to investments and they’re good ones, the returns will be worth it. Create a situation in which you can get work done uninterrupted and at length.


You’ve had a chance to impress someone lately but you’re only as good as your last hit ( as the music industry says). Keep up the effort now and show those concerned that you’re not simply a one-hit-wonder. You’ll prove that you can deliver the goods consistently. Even if you don’t want to publish your work, writing your autobiography isn’t a bad idea. If you want a psychological exercise to understand yourself better right your memoirs. Try to balance your income with expenditure at this time.


Shared feelings produce more mileage than brooding alone. Opening your heart is the key to opening up your life right now. The ability to feel more is entirely dependent upon the ability to listen well. Open up your ears to what your loved one is experiencing. Connect with them at the heart level. There may be issues with children. You can’t get to the bottom of the problem. Use your intuition to understand kids that. Improvement in your finances is likely around this time. Find alternatives to increase your income.


You must clearly define the boundaries in your relationships. If you don’t do this, there’ll be negative consequences. Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions of others. If you do nothing those questions will be buried deep within only to surface later. That’s only going to make the situation more difficult. Your high estimation of someone should be questioned. Don’t let integrity be brought into question. Correctly predicting financial trends is an advantage to you at this time.


Your professional initiative and ambition reinforce your success today. By simply demanding what it is you want, you mobilise the people and forces around you. Although your willpower meets with resistance from someone of equal power, the cards are stacked in your favour. You must, however, control your angry impulses. The current transits bring up frustrations. The fact that you’re not able to achieve things as quickly as you’d like is even more frustrating. Patience is, therefore, your keyword.


Try not to feel socially awkward. Remember, if you happen to be irritated with people, it’s your choice. No one is holding a gun he had to hang out with incompatible characters. Ask yourself the real motivation for doing so. Are you trying to please your partner or other friends? Do you think this something to be gained materially from these associations? The important thing at this time is to remain true to yourself. You’re not obliged to mix with those you’re uncomfortable with.


You’re rebellious in your current circumstances at present. You’re likely to feel that someone is trying to dominate or manipulate you. It’s time to become free from these restrictions. To do so, you have to confront the problem fairly and squarely. Trying to be polite, respectful, and to communicate openly when you feel anything but, as obviously contradictory by nature. You can be honest without being impolite. You are inclined to make a sudden “change in policy” without any explanation.


You’re tired of the repeated commandments coming from upon high. You wonder if there’s any rhyme or reason behind what’s being asked of you. Sometimes you have to roll with the punches. Remind yourself that even if things don’t seem connected, there is ultimately a good reason for things happening exactly as they do. You find yourself in an autocratic situation leaving little room for self-determination or creativity. This is frustrating and there may be no immediate means of remedying this.
